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When Do Babies Start Teething?

LeBlanc & Associates Dentistry For Children in Kansas

When Do Babies Start Teething?

added on: July 26, 2017

For many parents, a teething infant can be quite a challenging and exciting experience. And while there, are a few initial obstacles to overcome, it’s an important part of your child’s development.

At LeBlanc and Associates, our board certified pediatric dentists and dental hygienists are here to help you every step of the way.

Early Teething Symptoms

At first, your child may experience some discomfort and irritability, accompanied by a lot of biting or chewing on hard objects and drooling.

Additionally, your infant may show signs of gum swelling and tenderness and may refuse food and have sleepless or restless nights.

If you notice signs of fever, diarrhea, or rash, call your pediatrician.

Baby Teething Remedies

To help with this discomfort and pain, you can give your baby a firm rubber teething ring to chew on. Avoid liquid-filled teething rings or any plastic objects that might break.

You can also gently rub your child’s gums with a wet washcloth. Cool or soft foods are ideal during the teething stage. If it seems to help, you can also give your child a bottle with cool water but avoid using formula, milk or juice for comfort as they all cause decay.

Teething Order

Teething typically begins at 6 to 8 months old, although some infants might not have their first tooth until 12 to 14 months. The two bottom front teeth (lower incisors) will usually erupt first, followed by the top front teeth (upper incisors). The other incisors, lower and upper molars, canines and lastly the upper and lower second molars will come in.

Check out the typical time frame on our infographic.

baby teeth order of appearance

Why Are Baby Teeth Important?

Baby teeth, or primary teeth, are very important to your child’s health and development. They help your child chew, speak and smile. Your baby was born with all twenty teeth below their gum.

The baby teeth hold space in your child’s jaw for permanent teeth that are growing under the gums. If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, it can cause the permanent tooth to drift into the empty space and create problems with crowding or crooked teeth.

Contact LeBlanc and Associates

It’s important to start your child’s dental care by the first erupted tooth or no later than their first birthday. At LeBlanc and Associates, we can provide tips to comfort your child during the teething process.

Schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations today!

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