A Pulpotomy Explained
You have probably heard of a “pulp and crown” or something similar to that. There are a few different procedures that we do in our office to treat an infected or decayed tooth dependent on the severity. A pulpotomy is a dental procedure done to save a severely decayed tooth. It’s most commonly done on primary teeth or other named as “baby teeth”. The 1st step in a pulpotomy is getting it ready by numbing the area, but what we like to say is getting it “nice and sleepy”! Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt! Your child may feel a little pinch, but typically it is painless. Our staff is trained to ease your child’s nerves and make them feel as comfortable as possible. We have different sedation options, if necessary, that can help with dental anxiety. The dentist will walk you and your child through the entire procedure to make sure that you both are informed and comfortable. During the dental procedure the dentist will remove out the infected area of the pulp. When that is complete, they will place a crown on the top portion of the tooth. When cavity-causing bacteria invade the inner chamber of a tooth that contains the pulp, inflammation and toothache pain can occur. A pulpotomy soothes the damaged tooth to eliminate discomfort. A pulpotomy is less of an invasive procedure compared to a root canal. A pulpotomy from start to finish last for about 30 to 45 minutes.
Parents you may also be wondering why your child’s affected tooth isn’t being removed. The reason is the tooth is still savable. We as the healthcare providers want to keep their baby teeth in as long as possible to help keep space for their permanent teeth. Most importantly to help with eating!

Step by Step Pulpotomy
Post Treatment
Your child’s bite may feel different for 1-2 days.
• The gums around the crown may be sore initially. It is important to brush the gums around the crown in gentle circles to help the area heal and remain healthy.
• You can resume flossing around the crown after 24 hours.
• Avoid sticky foods. Extremely sticky foods (tootsie rolls, caramel, taffy) can cause a crown to come off. If this happens please call our office ASAP for an appointment to have the crown recemented.
Written By Ashlyn, RDH
Ashlyn has been with LeBlanc and Associates for over a year now serving as a Registered Dental Hygienist. She is from a small town called Wilson in Kansas. Wilson is home of the world’s largest Czech Egg! She attended Colby Community College and received her Associates of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene. She has always been a hands on worker and that is one of her favorites things about being a hygienist at LeBlanc & Associates. She is a people person, and enjoys being a part of LeBlanc & Associates Family. She loves talking with patients and getting to know each of them. Ashlyn enjoys putting a smile on every single patient that she sees. She is passionate about promoting a healthy smile in children and instilling that at a young age. Whenever she isn’t in the office, she likes to spend her free time with her dog, Rusty. They go on walks and like to explore dog parks in Kansas City! He keeps her on her toes! She is a avid KC sports fan and is always cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs and the K-State Wildcats!