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How to Handle a Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

How to Handle a Dental Emergency

added on: March 25, 2024

How to Handle a Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies are unfortunate incidents that can happen at any time. Some of these emergencies can cause discomfort and anxiety. Whether it is a sudden toothache, a broken tooth, or an unexpected injury to your mouth, knowing how to handle a dental emergency is crucial. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or visit your local emergency room at your earliest convenience.

Let us cover how to best handle your dental emergency until you find a Kansas City emergency dentist that works best for your family.

Here are 10 steps you can take in the case of a dental emergency:

1. Stay Calm

It is essential to remain calm and collected. This will help you think clearly and make informed decisions about next steps. It is important to stay focused on what you can control in the situation and plan to reach out for assistance on what you cannot. Although it may feel as though this is a one-of-a-kind situation, remember that there is help available whether that be a visit to the ER or an emergency trip to your dentist the next day.

2. Assess the Situation

Evaluate the nature and severity of your dental emergency. Some of the most common emergencies include severe toothaches, knocked-out or broken teeth, and injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth. The more you understand about your dental emergency the more empowered you will feel in communicating your situation to your emergency dentist if you need to seek additional assistance.

3. Contact LeBlanc & Associates

Be sure to reach out to us as soon as possible. Finding a Kansas City emergency dentist can be challenging. Still, with our on-call emergency doctor, our clients can rest knowing that in the event of an emergency, they have support. Contact us for information on emergency dental services and instructions so we can quickly get your family on the mend.

4. Provide Essential Information

When contacting the dentist, be ready to provide essential information such as the nature of your emergency, any pain or discomfort you may be feeling and any additional trauma the injury may have caused. Once your dentist gives you information be sure to follow their directions as closely as possible. These directions can include recommendations for pain management, bleeding control, and tooth preservation.

5. Manage Pain and Discomfort

First things first, it is extremely important to reach out to your doctor as soon as possible for a pain management plan that will work best for you and your situation. The following are our suggestions and should be taken lightly in comparison to your primary care physician. While waiting for dental care or healing, you can manage pain and discomfort by using over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen. This can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Avoid using aspirin. Aspirin is acidic in nature and can irritate the gums and soft tissues which can lead to additional discomfort. Also, consider applying a cold compress to the outside of your cheek as this can numb the impact area and reduce swelling. Be sure to keep your head elevated as it will reduce blood flow to the head and alleviate pain. One way to assist in keeping your head elevated is by adding extra pillows as you rest.

6. Preserve a Knocked-Out Tooth

In the event of losing a tooth during your dental emergency, you will want to adhere to the following steps:

  • Handle the tooth by the crown (top), not the root (bottom).
  • Rinse it gently with water and be careful not to remove attached tissues.
  • Attempt to place the tooth back in its socket, but if that is not possible, store it in a container of milk or your saliva until you can reach the emergency dentist.

7. Address Any Bleeding

If there is bleeding from the mouth caused by impact or trauma, be sure to use a clean cloth or gauze to apply gentle pressure to the affected area. This can help control bleeding until you receive professional care. Try applying pressure, if possible, and use a compress in 15-minute intervals if it does not cause pain or discomfort.

8. Avoid D.I.Y. Situations

While waiting for professional help, avoid attempting DIY solutions that could worsen the situation. Refrain from using sharp objects to address dental issues, as this can lead to further damage. It is best to find a local dentist for your dental emergency or go to your local emergency room.

9. Follow Post-Emergency Care Instructions

After receiving emergency dental care, follow any post-emergency care instructions provided by the dentist. This may include medication, follow-up appointments, and specific care guidelines to promote healing.

10. Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

Attend any follow-up appointments recommended by your dentist to monitor your recovery and address ongoing concerns.

Reach Out to LeBlanc & Associates for Your Dental Emergencies

In a dental emergency, our after-hours doctor can assist. We would love the opportunity to be the primary dentist for your family. Contact us to learn more or set an appointment.

Posted In: Educational