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When Baby Teeth Fall Out – A Parent’s Guide 

young boy smiling and holding his tooth that has just fallen out

When Baby Teeth Fall Out – A Parent’s Guide 

added on: March 13, 2024

In the journey of parenting, you are met with plenty of milestones, like your baby’s first step, first words, and first teeth. But just like getting new teeth, your little one will lose them. In this blog we will discuss when your child’s first teeth come out, what to do, and how to plan their best oral health journey.

When Exactly Do Baby Teeth Fall Out?

Let’s get right to it and answer the question: just when do baby teeth fall out? Baby teeth come out in groups and generally from the age of 6-12:  

  • 6 to 7 years old: Lower Central Incisors (bottom front teeth) 
  • 7 to 8 years old: Upper Central Incisors (top front teeth), Lateral Incisors (next to the front teeth) 
  • 9 to 11 years old: First Molars (back chewing teeth) 
  • 9 to 12: Canines (pointed teeth) 
  • 10 to 12 years old: Second Molars (back chewing teeth) 

 Some children may start losing teeth a bit earlier or later than the average timeline. Additionally, the child’s adult teeth can start to grow as early as 6 and can continue into the early teens.

When the First Tooth Falls Out

When your child notices a loose tooth, you’ll notice their fascination. The process of wiggling a loose tooth is not just a physical activity, it can become playful. Encourage your child to be patient and try not to hurt themselves while loosening the tooth as days go by. Remind your little one that the tooth will come out on its own, and they don’t need to force it out at all. If any concerns arise about the condition of the loose tooth or how long it’s taking the tooth to come out, reach out to your pediatric dentist for insight and instructions.

Taking Care of “The Space”

Once your baby tooth comes out, you will want to take special care of the new space until it heals or a new tooth emerges. After the tooth falls out, encourage your child to rinse their mouth gently with lukewarm water. This helps remove any blood or debris in the area. Once the space starts healing, a blood clot forms in the socket. This clot is essential for the healing process. Discourage your child from poking at the area with their tongue or fingers.  

A soft diet is the best option for nutrition. Have your child stick to a soft diet to avoid any discomfort or irritation to the empty socket. Have your child avoid hard, crunchy or sticky foods that could potentially irritate the healing area. Be sure to give your child any pain reliever if needed for any discomfort. Maintaining oral hygiene is important but be gentle around the healing area. Encourage your child to brush their teeth carefully, avoiding the socket to prevent infection.

Enjoy the Journey of Child Oral Care with LeBlanc

Losing a tooth for the first time is an experience that varies from child to child and parent to parent. Be sure to tailor any care or conversation around this event with love and consideration. If you have any concerns or questions, consult with your child’s dentist for personalized advice. At LeBlanc, we understand the mindset of children and know the impact that losing a first tooth can bring. Our dentists are excited to help you navigate this new journey for you and your little one. Consider scheduling an appointment with us today.